The Re: Building Families program is a manualized program that offers six modules via a combination of psychoeducation, workbook activities, and opportunities for both reflection and discussion.


  • The nature of operational stress and how it impacts individuals within the first responder family

  • Styles of communication and how to enhance communication within the family system

  • The relational patterns within families that both promote and prevent mutual support within the family

  • The importance of finding and embracing one’s identity both within and outside the family system

  • Strategies and activities you can do to improve self-care, sleep and exercise, and personal boundaries

By the end of the program, you will have a new understanding of the nature of operational stress, how it impacts you personally and your family, and how to understand — and begin to make changes — that will benefit you, your family, and your first responder.


If you are a spouse/partner living with a first responder, and you are experiencing the effects of operational stress within the home, you can enroll in the Re: Building Families now.

  • Spouse/Partner

    Why this matters to you:

    First responder spouses and partners face unique mental health and personal needs that arise from the stress and unpredictability of their loved ones’ work. They often deal with anxieties related to safety, long hours, and emotional fallout from traumatic incidents their partners encounter. This constant uncertainty can lead to increased feelings of isolation, stress, and emotional exhaustion.

    Re: Building Families is an evidence-informed support program specifically designed for spouses and partners is essential because it acknowledges and addresses their distinctive challenges and affirms their significant strengths. By developing coping strategies that empower partners to navigate their emotional landscape effectively, spouses and partners better understand the mental health issues commonly faced by first responders, equipping them with tools to support both themselves and their partners.

    The Re: Building Families program can enhance resilience, promote healthy communication and boundaries, and ultimately strengthen family bonds, benefiting both the first responders and their loved ones.


If you are a mental health lead in a first responder organization, you can purchase single and multiple licenses for Re: Building Families and provide them to first responder families you feel would benefit from enrollment.

  • Mental Health & Wellness Leads

    Why this matters to you:

    First responder wellness leads and organization mental health providers play a vital role in supporting the emotional and psychological well-being of first responders. We know that the wellness of first responders is intricately linked to the well-being of their spouses and partners, who often bear the brunt of the stress associated with their loved one’s occupation.

    An upstream psychoeducation program like Re: Building Families is essential because spouse and partners frequently experience feelings of anxiety, isolation, and emotional turmoil. By equipping them with knowledge, coping strategies, and support, wellness leads and mental health providers can foster a healthier home environment, ultimately benefiting the first responder’s mental health.

    When spouses are educated about typical stressors and trauma responses and how this impacts their own wellbeing, they can better support their partners, enhancing communication and resilience within the family. The Re: Building Families program not only promotes the overall mental health of first responders but also strengthens family dynamics, creating a more robust support system for those who serve on the front lines.


if you are an upper level manager in a first responder organization, we offer organization-wide-access to Re: Building Families can safeguard your people and boost their performance.

  • Organization Senior Leadership

    Why this matter to you:

    First responder organizations have a responsibility to support the well-being of not just their personnel, but also their families, particularly spouses and partners who face unique challenges. By providing access to support programs for these individuals, organizations can significantly enhance resilience, emotional health, and overall family dynamics.

    The Re: Building Families is an evidence-informed, upstream program that offers vital resources, education, and coping strategies tailored to the specific experiences of first responder spouses and partners. This proactive approach can help spouses and partners manage the stress and anxiety that often accompany the unpredictable nature of their loved ones’ work. The Re: Building Families programs creates a safe spaces for partners to process their experiences and develop new ways to support their first responder and themselves.

    Investing in the well-being of spouses and partners ultimately benefits the organization as well. Healthy family dynamics lead to improved morale and performance among first responders, creating a more supportive and effective work environment.



Manualized program | Multiple learning modules | Reflection activities | Self-directed activities

The Re: Building Families™ program is centred around four main themes that comprise the HOME™ model.


Learn about core principles related to first responder Culture

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Learn how the body responds to stress

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Discuss skills & resources to perceive and manage daily stressors


Learn strategies to enhance communication within the family system

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Learn communication styles and supportive communication skills

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Learn how to implement the DESC model of positive communication


Learn about accommodation and how it differs from support

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Learn about flexible family roles and how communication aids re-balancing

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Review supportive methods that are different from accommodation


Explore identities outside of being a “first responder spouse”

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Support recognition of individual identity, self-care, and self-efficacy

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Identify balanced family values and strategies for re-balancing